
LHRLA further influences policy makers, duty bearers, communities, planners and politicians to respond to demands, needs and aspirations of ordinary people to change attitudes, cultures, trends, traditions through its training program. Under different projects LHRLA has conducted many trainings, some of which include:

Justice sector response to GBV – 32 trainings in 5 Districts – 2019

This project is being executed in cooperation with UN Women to build capacity and commitment by training 1000 individuals in Karachi, Dadu, Khairpur, Rawalpindi & Quetta who are associated with the justice sector such as judges, court staff, public prosecutors, lawyers and other relevant stakeholders for dealing with GBV survivors’ while providing them easy access to justice in cases such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, financial abuse, harassment, human trafficking, sexual exploitation and cyber violence etc. while including revising and updating information regarding recently developed pro-women laws in Pakistan to develop, assess and enhance women survivors of violence situations and conditions by positively improving behaviors and eliminating patriarchal mindsets.

Strengthening CSOs to operate Helplines for Women Survivors of Violence – 2008

LHRLA conducted trainings to build capacity of CSOs to set-up and operate helplines for survivors of VAW. This training included components regarding handling of crisis situations, providing counselling to victims and establishing of referral network of available services.

Training of referral partners – 2008

A capacity building and sensitization training for referral partners including police officers, local government representatives, NGOs, CBOs, Health professionals, Medico-Legal examiners in order to help women survivors effectively without discrimination was also held to successfully execute and achieve the goals of this project in interior Sindh.

Training of Trainers on Trafficking – 2016

LHRLA conducted 6 trainings in 6 cities for the trainers in the task force created to focus on issues relating to trafficking. Training the Task Force members resulted in them conducting awareness raising and sensitization at community level.

The focus areas of the training included basic information on human trafficking, recognizing indicators, interviewing victims, and working collaboratively with other law enforcement and victim service providers. It further enhanced on the requirement of open mindedness, frank discussion, and patience along with adopting a victim-centered approach to addressing the problem and abandoning preconceptions about human trafficking and victims.

Law Enforcement Agencies Training – 2016

LHRLA included Social Welfare departments, FIA, Sindh Police, MLO, Coast Guard, Pakistan Maritime security agency, Civil Society, Lawyers & Media for this training. This was organized on 22nd March, 2012 by Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) at conference hall, Madadgaar National Helpline.

The main agenda of this training was to sensitize the government officials, law enforcement department and civil society about human trafficking and human smuggling and to discuss the role of Madadgaar helpline and participant in combating human trafficking and human smuggling.

Training on Advocacy with Government Stake Holders – 2016

The focus group for this training involved FIA, Sindh Police, MLO, Coast Guard, Pakistan Maritime security agency, Civil Society, Lawyers, Media. This training was organized on 22nd March, 2012 by Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) at conference hall, Madadgaar National Helpline.

The main focus of this was to recognize the role of government departments and organizations regarding controlling and prevention of human trafficking and smuggling and to discuss the advocacy strategy to further enhance their role.

Training on Early Forced Marriage issues in Pakistan – 2014/2015

LHRLA organized two days training of trainers’ of helpline staff. The main objective of the training was to enhance the knowledge of helpline staff in relation with early marriage situation in Pakistan. Sensitization of the staff regarding Sindh child marriage restraint act 2013 and bills passed or draft in rest of the provincial assemblies against child marriages was also one of the objective.

The purpose of this training was to bring about awareness and to sensitize the helpline staff and referral partners on harms of early forced marriage from different aspects and equip them through provision of proper knowledge on new laws against child marriage and to improve the facilitation skills of helpline staff. It further involved Gender sensitization and understanding of power personal blocks and ethics of working with marginalized groups while enhancing their communication skills. This training further elaborated on how to handle and deal with vulnerable groups.

Training Program for Lawyers – Two Three Day Trainings to play vital role in tackling gender based violence in Pakistan: JUNE 2013 & AUGUST 2013

LHRLA developed a pool of lawyers to address gender based violence in Pakistan that provided free legal aid to survivors.

28 Lawyers of resource pool dealt with a total of 93 cases of gender based violence nationwide and provided free legal aid. Out of 95, 54 cases from KHI, 13 from Peshawar, 13 from Lahore, 15 from Quetta in the current year. Lawyers for Human rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) organized Three-day training workshop for capacity building of lawyers to address the growing incidence of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Pakistan by support of Asian Development Bank (ADB) at Regent Plaza, Karachi. Twenty eight lawyers from Pakistan’s four provinces, 21 of them women lawyers, were trained in handling gender-based violence cases. It was a part of a capacity building initiative to develop a pool of 50 volunteer lawyers nation-wide who are able to provide free legal support to survivors of gender-based violence.

Participants were further introduced to gender-sensitive counseling, related national & international laws and investigation techniques, forensic and medico-legal requirements and evidence needed in gender-based violence cases. LHRLA formalized their commitment by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the volunteer lawyers.

In order to constantly develop its own staff capacities and knowledge LHRLA also provides them with training opportunities by conducting in-house trainings on different topics. Some past trainings include:

Training of WPU staff on case and referral management and counselling – 2019

LHRLA conducted a three day training to provide WPU Staff with basic knowledge and skills to respond to people who have experienced GBV/VAW. The training covered supporting of rights of GBV/VAW survivors, provision of emotional support to GBV/VAW survivors, assisting people to report GBV/VAW incidents, referral of people who have experienced GBV/VAW to the medical, psychosocial, legal or safety services they may need along with helping women who have been abused to plan for the future and be resilient. Telephonic Counselling, Virtual Counselling & Face-to-Face Counselling training was also provided and focused upon during this along with GBV & VAW awareness.