Policy Advocacy

Policy advocacy

Policy advocacy for materializing women and children rights is a core component of LHRLA’s work with federal and provincial governments, legislators, media and civil society of Pakistan. In this component we analyze public policies or lack thereof on economic, social and legal rights of women and children in Pakistan to better understand their situation and factors that affect their well-being, social and legal protection. This component also determines, using data collected through LHRLA’s programmatic implementation, what interventions are needed to improve situation of women and children rights and protection and where.

Among the policy advocacy interventions LHRLA’s major contribution is in proposing, based on its data and research, new laws and/or improvements in existing laws governing women and children rights in Pakistan. Such contributions include:

Furthermore, LHRLA develops different strategic partnerships with platforms, networks and movements at local, regional and global levels to highlight and work towards filling gaps in women and children rights governance and protection systems.

Our policy advocacy work includes:

LHRLA is a founding member of The South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) is a SAARC Apex body which is an inter-governmental body with a vision that all children, girls and boys, throughout South Asia enjoy their right to an environment free from all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect and discrimination. LHRLA is part of SAARC Action Committee on Trafficking in Persons.

LHRLA is also a founder member of international network of helplines (Child Helpline International – CHI) collaborating with global GSM Group of telecommunications and FACEBOOK through CHI against online violence and abuse against women and children.

LHRLA is a member of the regional network of helplines (South Asian Association of Child Helplines – SAACH)

Considering our expertise we’re onboard with government authorities such as Sindh Child Protection Authority, National Commissioners for Child Protection System – a Federal Ombudsman Office’s Initiative, Provincial Ombudsman Advisory Committees in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab, and Punjab Child Rights Standing Committee. LHRLA maintains and publishes largest database on GBV/VAW and VAC every year. Our projects beneficiary numbers are over 100,000 women, girls and young people.